Ashtanga Yoga Retreat India

Join us for a Transformative Ashtanga Yoga Retreat India

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Price: Rs 23,000 for Double occupancy

: Rs 28,000 For Single Occupancy


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Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind in the Serene Heart of Kerala! Join Our 5-Day Ashtanga Yoga Retreat in Kanthaloor

What to Expect:

•    Daily Ashtanga Yoga Sessions: Dive deep into the practice of Ashtanga Yoga primary series through led and Mysore style classes.
•    Meditation and Pranayama: Explore the profound benefits of meditation and pranayama techniques to cultivate inner peace and clarity of mind.
•    Workshops and Master Classes: Immerse yourself in the detailed understanding of your body in these workshops to delve into deeper hip opening, backbends, Inversions and arm balances.
•    Nature Walks and Excursions: Discover the natural wonders of Kanthaloor with rejuvenating nature walks and excursions to nearby attractions, allowing you to connect with the beauty of your surroundings.

🌺 Our Retreat Package Includes:
•    Comfortable Accommodation amidst the tranquil surroundings of Kanthaloor.
•    Wholesome Vegetarian Meals (Brunch and Dinner) to nourish your body and support your yoga practice.
•    Opportunities for Relaxation and Reflection to ensure a holistic retreat experience.
•    Local site seeing, trek to waterfalls/ forest.

🌟 Why Choose Our Retreat?
•    Expert Guidance: Our team of skilled instructors is dedicated to supporting your personal growth and yoga journey every step of the way.
•    Authentic Experience: Immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of Kerala, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
•    Small Group Setting: Enjoy personalized attention and a supportive community atmosphere, fostering deeper connections with yourself and fellow participants and the nature. 
Ashtanga Yoga Retreat India

Embarking on an Ashtanga yoga retreat in India 

offers a transformative journey that rejuvenates the body, mind, and soul amidst the serene backdrop of this ancient land. Ashtanga yoga, a dynamic and physically demanding practice, finds its roots deeply embedded in the rich spiritual heritage of India. With its focus on synchronizing breath with a series of progressive postures, Ashtanga yoga retreats in India provide a unique opportunity to delve into this practice while immersing oneself in the country’s vibrant culture and spirituality.

Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga Retreats

Now, let’s dive into the numerous benefits of attending an Ashtanga yoga retreat.

Mental clarity and focus
One of the most significant benefits of Ashtanga yoga retreats is the mental clarity and focus you gain. The structured sequence and mindful breathing help quiet your mind and bring you into the present moment. You’ll leave the retreat feeling more centered and in tune with yourself.

Increased flexibility and strength
Through the Ashtanga practice, you’ll notice improvements in your flexibility and strength. The challenging poses stretch and tone your muscles, making you more agile and robust over time. This newfound physical vitality can have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being.

Detoxification and improved health
Ashtanga yoga involves a lot of sweating, which helps detoxify your body and improve circulation. Additionally, the focus on deep breathing promotes lung health and can boost your immune system.

Stress reduction and mindfulness
A yoga retreat offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The combination of Ashtanga practice, meditation, and a serene environment helps you unwind and find a sense of inner peace. You’ll return home with a calmer mind and better tools for managing stress.

The Power of Being in Nature

Connection with nature and its benefits
Being surrounded by nature is a powerful experience in itself. Many Ashtanga yoga retreats take place in picturesque locations, such as mountains, forests, or near bodies of water. This natural setting enhances your practice and helps you reconnect with the earth and its calming energy.

Outdoor practice and its impact on well-being
Practicing Ashtanga yoga outdoors can be incredibly invigorating. The fresh air and beautiful scenery can heighten your senses and make your practice more immersive. It’s a wonderful way to tap into the healing power of nature.

The Sense of Community

Meeting like-minded individuals
Another significant advantage of attending an Ashtanga yoga retreat is the opportunity to meet others who share your passion for yoga. You can form lasting connections and friendships with people from all walks of life.

Sharing experiences and growth
Being in a supportive environment where everyone is on a journey of self-discovery can inspire personal growth. Sharing your experiences and learning from others can deepen your understanding of Ashtanga yoga and yourself.

Immersive Learning Experience

One-on-one instruction and guidance
Retreats often offer personalized instruction from experienced teachers. This one-on-one guidance can help you improve your practice and address any challenges you may face.

Workshops and special sessions
In addition to regular practice, Ashtanga yoga retreats may include workshops or special sessions on topics like meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises), or specific asanas. These extras provide a comprehensive learning experience and enhance your retreat.

Holistic Lifestyle

Meditation and breathwork
Ashtanga yoga retreats typically incorporate meditation and breathwork practices into their daily schedule. These activities promote mindfulness, relaxation, and mental clarity.

Ayurvedic food and dietary principles
Many retreats also emphasize Ayurvedic principles in their meal planning. You can expect to enjoy nutritious, balanced meals that support your practice and overall health.

Rest and Renewal

Time away from daily stressors
One of the most valuable aspects of an Ashtanga yoga retreat is the chance to take a break from your usual routine. This time away from daily stressors allows you to recharge and reset.

Importance of a digital detox
Disconnecting from technology is often part of the retreat experience. This digital detox can be incredibly refreshing and help you focus on your practice and personal growth.

Choosing the Right Ashtanga Yoga Retreat

Location and environment
When selecting an Ashtanga yoga retreat, consider the location and environment. Look for a place that aligns with your preferences and will offer the kind of experience you’re seeking.

Retreat schedule and activities
Review the retreat schedule and activities to ensure they match your interests and goals. A well-balanced retreat will include a mix of practice, learning, and leisure time.

What is Ashtanga Yoga?


When you think about yoga, what often comes to mind is a serene room with people gently stretching and breathing deeply. But Ashtanga Yoga brings a whole new level of energy and discipline to the practice. Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic form of yoga that synchronizes movement with breath in a series of progressively challenging postures. It’s a practice that builds strength, flexibility, and stamina while also promoting inner peace and mental clarity.

History of Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga has roots in ancient India, but the practice as we know it today was developed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the 20th century. Jois studied under his teacher, Krishnamacharya, and began teaching Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore, India. His methods focused on the Vinyasa style, which emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. This system quickly gained popularity worldwide.

Principles of Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga follows the eight limbs, or “Ashtanga,” outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. These eight limbs include:

Yama: Ethical standards and integrity.
Niyama: Personal observances and self-discipline.
Asana: Physical postures.
Pranayama: Breath control.
Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the senses.
Dharana: Concentration.
Dhyana: Meditation.
Samadhi: State of enlightenment.
These principles guide the practice and help create a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Primary Series

The Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series, known as Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy), consists of a set sequence of postures designed to detoxify the body and build a solid foundation for further practice. The series begins with sun salutations, followed by a variety of standing and seated postures, and ends with an inversion and a final resting pose (Savasana). These postures help increase flexibility, strength, and focus.

Breath and Movement Synchronization

One of the defining features of Ashtanga Yoga is the synchronization of breath with movement, known as Vinyasa. This method creates a continuous flow that keeps the body and mind engaged throughout the practice. The breath serves as a guide for each movement, helping practitioners maintain focus and rhythm.

Benefits of Practicing Ashtanga Yoga

The benefits of Ashtanga Yoga extend far beyond physical fitness. Here are some key advantages:

Physical Health: Improved flexibility, strength, endurance, and balance.
Mental Health: Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
Emotional Health: Increased mindfulness and emotional resilience.
Ashtanga Yoga Practice

Starting an Ashtanga Yoga practice can be an exciting journey, but it’s important to approach it with patience and respect for your body. Here are some tips for beginners:

Start Slowly: Don’t rush into advanced postures. Begin with the primary series and gradually work your way up.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during practice and modify postures as needed.
Practice Consistently: Regular practice is key to progress and improvement.
Advanced Ashtanga Yoga Practice

For those who have mastered the primary series, there are intermediate and advanced series that offer more complex postures and sequences. Advancing in Ashtanga Yoga requires dedication and consistent practice. Make sure to practice under the guidance of an experienced teacher to avoid injury and deepen your understanding.

Ashtanga Yoga and Meditation

Meditation plays a crucial role in Ashtanga Yoga. It helps practitioners cultivate a calm and focused mind, which can enhance the overall experience of the practice. Techniques such as guided meditation, breath awareness, and mindfulness can be integrated into your Ashtanga Yoga routine.

Ashtanga Yoga and Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for supporting your Ashtanga Yoga practice. A balanced diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the energy and nutrients needed for a sustained practice. Stay hydrated and avoid processed foods for optimal results.

Common Misconceptions about Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga can sometimes be misunderstood. Here are some common misconceptions and the reality behind them:

Misconception: Ashtanga Yoga is only for the extremely fit.
Reality: Ashtanga Yoga can be adapted for all levels, and practitioners can progress at their own pace.
Misconception: You must perform the postures perfectly.
Reality: Progress is more important than perfection. Listen to your body and adjust the practice as needed.
Safety Tips and Precautions

Safety is paramount in Ashtanga Yoga. Follow these precautions to prevent injury:

Warm-Up: Always start with sun salutations and gentle stretches.
Listen to Your Body: Avoid pushing yourself too hard. Pain is a warning sign.
Seek Guidance: Practice with an experienced instructor, especially when trying new or challenging postures.
Ashtanga Yoga and Modern Culture

Ashtanga Yoga has had a significant impact on modern yoga culture, influencing various styles and practices. Its structured approach and emphasis on self-discipline have made it a popular choice for yoga practitioners worldwide.

Finding an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher

Choosing the right Ashtanga Yoga teacher can make a big difference in your practice. Look for someone with experience and a teaching style that resonates with you. A good teacher will offer personalized guidance and support your growth as a practitioner.


What is the typical duration of an Ashtanga yoga retreat in India?

Most Ashtanga yoga retreats in India range from one to two weeks in duration, although longer retreats may also be available depending on the organizer.

Are yoga retreats suitable for beginners?

Yes, many yoga retreats in India cater to practitioners of all levels, including beginners. However, it’s essential to check the retreat’s description and inquire about the level of experience required before booking.

How can I find a reputable Ashtanga yoga retreat in India?

Researching online, reading reviews, and seeking recommendations from fellow yogis can help you find reputable Ashtanga yoga retreats in India. It’s also essential to verify the credentials of the instructors and ensure that the retreat aligns with your goals and preferences.

Can I attend a yoga retreat alone?

Absolutely! Many participants attend yoga retreats solo, seeking a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Retreats often provide a supportive and inclusive environment where participants can connect with like-minded individuals from around the world.


What should I expect from the accommodation and facilities during a retreat?

Accommodation and facilities vary depending on the retreat center. However, most retreats in India offer comfortable lodging, healthy meals, yoga studios equipped with props, and additional amenities such as meditation spaces and outdoor relaxation areas. It’s advisable to review the retreat’s description for specific details regarding accommodation and facilities.